7 Hunters!

Ok Hunters, everyone asking to be a Hunter with a WordPress account is now a Hunter! Not a complete Hunter though. Six of you joined, and you have become Hunter Trainees. After ten days of joining the Hunt, you will become a full Hunter, and get your immortality, silver glow, and magical bows. We are to hunt down beasts. After we get 25 Hunters, we will vote for a lieutenant. If you want to be a Hunter, comment here. The official pledge is this one: I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt. In ten days, I will tell you if you’ve joined the Hunt as a full Hunter. Also, email me at Faeriebelle1234@gmail.com. I will need a picture, of you, or of somebody, made up name or your real name, and your story. Ex: are you a mortal, demigod, nymph? Daughter of who? Why did you join the Hunt? And how old you are? It can be a fake age, but must be 9-15 years old. We may eventually get wolfs, or another pet.

Note: Lady Artemis does not like it when you break the oath. You will be abandoned if you do so.

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About Brave Tomato

Hey guys, my name is Brave Tomato, and I’m an 20-year old girl from New Jersey. I'm a former PHB author, and I'm also a fan artist, fanfiction writer, occasional theorist, Youtuber, and an all around superfan nerd for Poptropica. My username is 1313cookie if you'd like to friend me.

45 thoughts on “7 Hunters!

    • oh yah
      I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt.

  1. Hello, I’m Eliza Williams… and I’m a demigod. I haven’t been claimed yet.. and that was a long story.
    I encountered an empousa at my school, but this boy named Raymond saved me. Oddly enough, he was a satyr! He escaped with me from the school and took me to a storm cellar where he told me I was a demigod. I was forced to live in a storm cellar because my dad thinks I’m “not ready yet”. Since I’m hidden… I never knew who my mother was.
    I’m 12 years old and I want to escape this upside-down life by joining the hunters. Here is my picture:

    I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt.

  2. I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt.
    I will email you the info.

  3. I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt.

  4. I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt.
    I hate boys.
    Im 11
    Can my name be Blair?
    blair maria

  5. I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the hunt.

  6. I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis.I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the hunt.

  7. I am ten and I would like to make a girl cause I like PJO and her name is Ashley.More coming soon.

  8. Greetings to all the Hunters! I really wanted to be one of the maiden hunters of Lady Artemis but uhm, i’m just wondering if this is for real (this site) that you’ll be able to serve the goddess.. have a silver bow and immortality you know .. or is it just a fansite? (No offense, i just wanted to know. )

  9. i pledge myself to the godess Artemis i turn my back on the company of men accept eternal madienhood and join the hunt

  10. I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis i turn my back on the company of men accept eternal maiden hood and join the hunt i am 12 i am sadly a mortal and my name is Cal.please let me become a hunter!

  11. I Want to join the hunt because i hate boys and i love the hunters they are so cool!my story is nothing specal but here it is one day i found this site and loved it also i have always liked the hunters can someone get back to me?please?

    • I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis.I turn my back on the company of men,accept eternal maidenhood, and join the hunt.
      I am 10
      I am a mortal.
      I will email a picture
      I want to join because i just am a only child and want to know what it feels like to have like Zoe said there is no responsibility and i hate boys.

  12. I’m ten years old a demigod I think all I know is I have ADHD and I have seen some monster one tried to kill me but good for me I was sharpening my pocket knife then I don’t know if there is a sayter at my school but I want to be a hunter of Artemis because I hate boys and think their stupid and I also think love is stupid

  13. Oh yes I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis I turn my back on the company of men and join the hunt

  14. My friend Katie and I share the same sign but I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis turn by back on the company of men and accept eternal madien hood

    • You`re the same person. You have the same email as Katie. if you want to change your name, just say.

  15. im mortal the daughter of my parents so mom and dad im ten and i want to join the hunt cus i love Artemis dogs wolfs nature and just i love everything about being a hunter. I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis turn my back om the company of men and accept eternal maiden hood.PLease i really want this!

  16. My name is Sage, I am a demigod and am pretty sure my dad is Apollo. I am twelve. I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood and join the hunt.

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